Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This Can't Be Good

I am taking a "time-out" from my working from home activities to share a startling revelation I just had. I looked up from my laptop to find this:

Clearly it is a stain. Probably from water. Tell me there is nothing wrong with my roof. Refer back to my list of "unsexy" projects to recall that we have already dealt with this issue. Say it ain't so!

This is specifically where the stain is located:

Good thing Aaron the contractor knows a thing or two about roofs. I will inquire with him to determine potential causes. Maybe it was always there and I just now noticed it? Maybe a coat of paint is all that will be needed? Wishful thinking I am sure. Maybe this will be just the excuse I need to get rid of that hideous texture on the ceiling!

Anyone out there have some suggestions of what this might be?

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