Sunday, November 21, 2010

Small Change = Big Pay-off

Unlike most people, it often takes me months - or years in this case - to make a change to my home. While I am not necessarily afraid of change in general, for some reason making changes to my home feels irreversible and therefore should be made with extreme caution. This is particularly true when it comes to putting holes in the walls. I can thank my mom for that neuroses! This is all to provide context into why my latest home improvement project is blog entry worthy. I successfully replaced the broken plastic blinds in my bedroom with a bamboo shade and curtains. I wanted to introduce texture into the room and use something other than the white wood blinds that exist on every other window in my home. While the jury is still out on the length that I decided on (these are IKEA curtains that involve hemming to one's desired length with an iron!), I am extremely happy that my room is DARK at night. Last night I enjoyed seven hours of uninterrupted sleep! Accomplished without the use of drugs (I've been taking cyclobenzaprine and Tylenol with codeine for back pain). So, all in all, I believe this project was a success!
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Project Breakdown
  1. Bamboo Roman Shade from Home Depot $27.54
  2. Lenda curtains from IKEA $14.99
  3. Skuggig curtain rod from IKEA $14.99
Project Total Cost = $57.52


Lisa said...

J--What color were your curtains? I purchased some for our living room pre-remodel. To be hung hopefully soon! Also, thanks for picturing the curtain rod in action. I am considering various IKEA rods. Finally, YEAH for SLEEP! :-)

Janelle said...

The curtains are "light beige" so not very exciting but they work for me. Now I need to create my upholstered headboard with a colorful print because I have solid chocolate brown bedding so right now it is a little too brown for my tastes! I'll keep you updated!