Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where did that year go?

I can't believe it has been a year since I posted to this blog. I think writing was much easier when we were in the middle of major remodeling projects and there were actual updates to share. Since remodeling our kitchen and main-floor bathroom and creating a second bathroom, we have not taken on any major projects.

The biggest change I've made in the past year is my attitude about this house. Instead of focusing on the features is DOESN'T have, I have decided to focus on the things I love about living in this house:
* Location - it is close to shopping, the Grand Rounds hiking trail, fun neighborhood restaurants, easy access to a commuter bus to work, and the airport (ok, that is a plus and a minus).
* Size - this house has more than enough room for two adults and one small dog. The size also comes in handy when I need something from Scott- no intercom necessary, just healthy lungs.
* Cost - we can afford the mortgage, property tax and bills associated with this house. We are able to both save and splurge on the occasional vacation or toy.
* Neighbors - we've gotten to know so many great people in this neighborhood as we use the same route twice a day for our dog walks.
* Potential - after completing three major remodeling projects, I know this place has great potential to meet our needs for many years to come. We may even be able to figure out a way to finish the basement if we are creative.
* Scottoberfest - when I do look at homes for sale, I immediately ask myself if I could host Scottoberfest there. The answer is usually no. Our corner lot and central(ish) location, and decent sized fenced-in backyard make it a great location for an outdoor party.

I have also had a shift in attitude after I created my own little office space in the main-floor guest bedroom. Scott and I purchased a computer that is "mine" so that my applications do not interfere with his gaming. So, now I have a space where I can get organized and my computer is an awesome source of entertainment (I never watch TV anymore!).

Another attitude shifter was Apartment Therapy's 20/20 Home Cure. The Fall 2010 session has completed but it appears they offer it in the fall and spring. I plan on following the "lessons" again because Maxwell gives some great tips for small behavioral changes that have a big impact. I am a creature of habit so I've already slipped a little. It is great his "assignments" are still accessible so I can get back on track with healthy home habits.

While I don't have any recent home photos to share, here is a photo I took with my new camera!

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