Monday, February 2, 2009

Carpet and Clean Dishes

I just put away the dishes from the first successful wash cycle. "Ahhhh" You just sensed me having a huge sigh of relief. It is almost over! That is until I see some crazy episode on HGTV that inspires further action. Actually, I promised Scott I would put all my energy into saving mula. So, I should pretty much cancel the cable subscription!

Last week the carpet was installed and the base trim work was finished including the transitional wood piece between the dining area and the kitchen.




While my parents were in town they were nice enough to purchase us a wall mounted shoe organizer. It is genius! My dad worked really hard to hang it in a way that optimized the use of the very small back entry. Thanks mom and dad!



Here is the pictoral proof of our working dishwasher (note I took a photo while it was in the "washing" part of the cycle":



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