Sunday, July 20, 2008

Random Update

July 20, 2008

While purchasing the final fixture for our new bathroom (TP holder), I found these striped towels. I thought it would add a much needed burst of color in the room. What do you think?

After 8 hours of organizing the basement and garage, I could barely see out of my dirty glasses so I gave them a good cleaning. I guess I rubbed too hard! Because my readership is as visually impaired as I am, I knew they would appreciate the challenges this creates for me. I do have an old pair of glasses but the prescription is way off and it is almost like I have bifocals because my eyes have to work hard to adjust from looking close up to looking far away. I hope our flex spending plan starts soon!

1 comment:

Liz H. said...

Oh I like the towels! And I can't wait to see your new fence:)