Sunday, May 11, 2008

A week in review

Days 18 - 22: May 5 - 9, 2008

On Monday, May 5, I was at home most of the day so Aaron was able to talk with me about an idea he had. He told me not to freak out which should have been my indication that this was going to be a major change in plans. He informed me that in order to have a door to my bathroom, it was going to be best to remove the existing post and replace it with a metal support pole. He had another contractor come and give his second opinion and ultimately had an inspector sign off on the idea so I felt comfortable with it. This only bought 3 extra inches but it is going to make a pretty big difference in the entry into the bathroom. See the before and after below.

Before: This post makes creating an entry into the bathroom a challenge.

After: There are actually two metal poles supporting the weight that one wooden post supported before. The pocket door will go to the left of the red pole.

Aaron hit a small obstacle with the shower door- the directions were written wrong! The company is sending a replacement part so that he can finish it. This photo doesn't tell the whole story - one side of the sliding door is loose.

Aaron framed up the rest of the bathroom. He is going to create cabinets in to make use of the space under the stairs.

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